Monday, July 21, 2008

Free Motion (E-motion!) Quilts

If you're looking for some fun and a foolproof way to practice free motion quilting take a look at these quilts. The patterns are from Dog Gone Quilts (

They are free motion quilts, made with fusible applique. When the pieces are fused down, there is a small area between each piece which is left for you to free motion in. Basically, it is 'scribbling' with black thread and is a real FOOLPROOF way to learn to free motion quilt.

The best part is that when you are free motioning (!), if you think you make a mistake you just 'scribble' over it and continue on. Then at the end you go back and fix it...IF you can find it!!

What a patriotic pair of chickadees. I think they are debating the merits of our current presidential candidates.
Here we have my vibrant Easter Bunny. No doubt about the wow factor here. Who says Easter has to be pastel?

'Country Chicken' is the first one I did. I think he is more of a rooster, but 'chicken' works.
Check out those patterns and prepare for some real fun!!

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